With summer comes some extreme temperatures, and many pets can suffer from heat stroke, which can lead to medical complications and even death. Moreover, if a dogs body temperature reaches 110, he or she can die within minutes, so it is important to recognize heat stroke, but more importantly, prevent it before it happens. Therefore, in this article today we will point out some things to look for regarding heat stroke and what you can do for your dog to prevent this from happening in the first place, so read on to learn more.
The mortality rate in dogs for heat stroke is around 50%, but if caught early enough they can survive. Early signs your dog may have heat stroke is heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and diarrhea, but as his condition worsens he could vomit blood, have abnormal breathing, collapse or and have seizures. If, these symptoms are spotted you should soak him with cool water, but do not use ice, and take him to the nearest vet so he can be treated as quickly as possible.
Most preventative measures are pretty logical, but with busy schedules it can be easy to forget things, especially when it comes to our pets. For instance, you may intend to just pop into a store and leave Fido in the car for just five minutes, but we all know that five minutes can easily turn into 30 minutes. Moreover, the temp inside a vehicle can be as high as 30 degrees above what the outside temperature is and it only takes minutes for a car to heat up excessively in the sun.
In addition, make sure your dog has access to water at all times during very hot days, because a dog only has panting as a way to cool himself without water. If you have an outside dog, be sure there is plenty of fresh water and shade, although if the temp is going to exceed 100 you should find a way to bring him inside during the heat of the day. Furtheremore, taking your dog for a trim can help prevent heat stroke, although don’t shave him or he could be at risk from getting sunburn, you can also use rags soaked in cool water and put them inside his thighs, or put cool water on his paws to help cool him.
Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, if it’s too hot for you, then it’s most certainly too hot for Fido. Keep in mind, to exercise your dog early morning or late evening on very hot days, and try and let him relax throughout the high temp part of the day. Finally, any exercise can increase their body temp dramatically so be careful especially on those hot and humid days to help ensure that your dog will not suffer from heat stroke.